This Code of Ethics and Conduct aims to inform you about the expected conduct, values, duties, and sanctions.
Employees, workers, and service providers are its members.
1) The actions adopted by the TM INFORMÁTICA LTDA ME management to manage the business are absolutely transparent regarding our employees, workers, service providers, customers and the target group and should be observed in its internal and external actions.
1.1 – Ethics: be honest and transparent with all interested parties.
1.2 – Respect: diversity is our wealth.
1.3 – Relationship: cordial, respectful and inclusive.
1.4 – Commitment: seek excellence in all stages of work, seeking to do more and better with fewer resources and procedures, seek partnership and cooperation with all departments of the company.
1.5 – Continuous improvement: encourage internal and external learning and disseminate knowledge.
1.6 – Communication: be clear, objective, respectful and involve everyone involved.
1.7 – Valuing Members: encourage professional growth according to individual merit.
1.8 – Social Responsibility: manage the company sustainably and aim for ethical profit in order to ensure the company’s longevity.
1.9 – Environmental Responsibility: reduce consumption at all stages and prioritize the use of recycled materials.
1.10 – Information Security: ensure the confidentiality and security of information obtained as a result of work, whether internal or external, from customers and partners and share information only with duly authorized people. Confidentiality should be maintained even after the end of services provided to TM Informática.
2) WORK ENVIRONMENT: TM Informática strives to provide a safe, healthy, respectable working environment with minimal impact on the environment.
2.1 – Personal Security: prioritize people’s safety and proper wearing of the PPE provided.
2.2 – Maintenance: should be carried out by trained members using PPE as necessary.
2.3 – Relationship: maintain a cordial, transparent and respectful relationship with everyone.
2.4. – Training and Supervision: The Hierarchical Superior should train his team, demand excellence in the performance of tasks and punish acts of insubordination, indiscipline, negligence, or violation of the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
2.5 – Sexual and moral harassment. Sexual and/or moral harassment, whether vertical or horizontal, is strictly prohibited. If the member is a victim or is aware of it, he or she can report it to the email diretoriajuridica@tminformá
2.5 – Recreation and Rest Room: the company provides a recreation and rest room to be used with common sense, moderation, respect and without causing delays in services.
2.6 – Discrimination at Workplace: Members should be careful not to allow discrimination in work, child labor, forced labor or labor in degrading conditions, even if they are performed at commercial partners, and should notify their Hierarchical Superior or use the reporting channel on email diretoriajuridica@tminformá
2.7 – Conflict of interests: members’ personal interests should not interfere with or override the interests of TM Informática, althougth these conflicts do not involve them directly, but rather their family members or people in their relationship. If direct or indirect conflict is unavoidable, you should immediately notify your superior.
2.8 – Equipment: Care for, maintain and preserve the company’s furniture, tools, and equipment so that they last for their useful life.
2.9 – Consumption Items: Do not leave lights on or taps open. In case of a defect, report it to the maintenance team. Do not print unnecessarily and prioritize the use of disposable materials and utensils.
2.10 – Working hours: Correctly record working hours on the time clock; when on external duty via the app. Working overtime is prohibited without authorization in advance from your superior.
2.11 – External Services: Complete the Service Orders correctly, with the start and end times of work and receive the customer’s signature. Treat customers in a cordial and respectful manner.
2.12 – Contracts: members should be aware of the contracts or projects they are working on and should not assume commercial, technical, financial commitments or deadlines without the knowledge of their Hierarchical Superior; any changes should be formalized and communicated to those involved.
3.1 – Any types of discrimination based on race, sexual, philosophical, partisan, religious orientation, ethnicity, physical characteristics, age, disability, or illness.
3.2 – Any types of moral or sexual harassment, offenses, humiliation, coercion, threats, or creation of a hostile environment for the performance of work.
3.3 – Carrying out work outside of the activity during working hours, including overtime.
3.4 – Arriving late for work or missing work without justification. Medical certificates should contain the CID
3.5 – Carrying out activities, work, consultancy, provide free or paid information to any competitor, commercial partner, customer or supplier without the prior approval of the hierarchical superior and endorsed in writing by the Legal Department.
3.6 – Receive gifts, giveaways, courtesies or facilities which should interfere with the evaluation judgment or make you feel in some way to retribute it. Gifts, courtesies, or facilities up to BRL 50.00 will be tolerated, as long as they are immediately reported to the Hierarchical Superior.
3.7 – Requesting for yourself or third parties gifts, giveaways, courtesies, facilities, carry out business for your own benefit or for people you are related to on behalf of TM Informática.
3.8 – Offering to customers, suppliers, service providers or potential customers, suppliers, service providers or people related to them, benefits, gifts, advantages or compensation contrary to this Code of Ethics and Conduct or contrary to legislation.
3.9 – Promising, offering or giving, directly or indirectly, undue advantage to a public or private agent or third parties related to them.
3.10 – Using the activities carried out at TM Informática to appropriate for yourself or people in your relationship business benefits, advantages, facilities, or opportunities without the authorization of the Hierarchical Superior and endorsed in writing by the Legal Department.
3.11 – Provenly to facilitate, finance, fund, sponsor or in any way subsidize the performace of illegal acts of any nature, whether in relation to a public or private agent or third parties related to them.
3.12 – Preventing, affecting, or defrauding the performance of any act of a government bidding procedure, frustrate or defraud by adjustment, combination or any other process, the competitive nature of a government bidding procedure
3.13 – Defrauding a government bid or contract arising therefrom.
3.13 – Removing or seeking to remove a bidder, through fraud or offering advantages of any kind.
4.1 – TM INFORMÁTICA LTDA ME expects all members to comply with the established standards in all circumstances.
4.2 – Any member who violates the vision, mission and values or conduct, performance, or policy or who allows a subordinate to do so will be subject to disciplinary action and may even be dismissed for cause.
4.3 – Any member who becomes aware of any violation should immediately notify their superior, the Legal Department or use the reporting channel.
5.1- No member may claim ignorance of the vision, mission and values or the standards established in this Code of Ethics and Conduct.
5.2 – Everyone is committed to strictly comply with this Code of Ethics and Conduct and to achieve this, it is necessary to read it carefully and in case of questions or suggestions, you should notify the Legal Department by email: diretoriajuridica@tminformá
5.3 – This Code of Ethics and Conduct may be updated, in which case it will be widely publicized
This first version of the Code of Ethics and Conduct comes into force on February 1, 2020.